Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Today was a very enlightening day...and very scary!  We were given the opportunity to sit in on a Dissertation Defense.  The poor gal who was the future doctor was "lucky" enough to have a couple dozen post-grad students sit in on her defense.  I know, for me, the whole dissertation process is enough to make me quake with fear... and I suspect many of my classmates feel the same way.  In one way, observing was helpful, because now I have an idea what the process looks like.  I've seen the conference table, the huge screen for the powerpoint, the podium, and the conference call phone.  On the negative side, I've heard the questions the faculty and committee asked the candidate.  I've learned that it's vital to be intimate with your research and statistics you've gleaned from your work.  I've learned to wear comfortable shoes, because the candidate stands the whole time.  I've learned to bring food, especially if your defense comes over lunchtime.  I've learned that as scary as it is, everyone in the room has gone through the whole thing before you, and when you are done, you will have earned a place among their ranks.

So, it's really hot here in Lynchburg, as it is across the nation.   Here's a cartoon I found that made me smile:

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